What does it mean to love your neighbor?
If that sounds like the bar is set too high, know that Jesus appreciated the little acts of kindness and generosity, too. There’s a brief story where Jesus sees two people giving money away. The first is a rich man who gives a great sum of money and makes a big show of it. The second is a poor widow who gives a single coin. Jesus points out the widow and praises her generosity because even though her offering was small, she still gave it despite having little money to her name. Jesus’ economy is backward. It doesn’t care about big numbers or showy results. It cares about intentions. It’s an economy of kindness, not money. If all you can muster is a tiny display of generosity each day, know that it makes a difference.
Scripture References: Leviticus 19:18, Luke 10:25-37, Mark 12:41-44